We like to publicize our students’ work and accomplishments for the benefit of students, families, and future students. This may include publishing students’ photos, videos, comments, award information, and activities on social media, news media, or district videos and publications. Under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), parents may opt out of allowing this information to be published.
Parents who do NOT want their child’s information to be used in this way must send a written notice to the Great Oaks campus’ guidance office within 45 days of the start of the school year.
A student cannot graduate from high school unless all requirements of the affiliated school are met. Release: The student records concerning my son/daughter may be transferred to Great Oaks from his/her affiliated school for review by the professional staff.
I give permission for my son/daughter's student records including, but not limited to, all test scores for tests the Ohio Department of Education considers as qualified to meet graduation requirements, to be transferred to Great Oaks from his/her affiliated school for review by the professional staff. The testing records will be used to determine whether Ohio state graduation requirements are fulfilled and to place students in appropriate classes.
Equal Opportunity: Career major placement will be made without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or presence of a disability. Students with an Individual Education Plan will have their final placement into a career program determined by the IEP team.
* All accepted students are required to attend for a trial period. The parent, student, and home school agree to comply with this procedure.
I verify that I am the parent/guardian and agree to the above statements.
To be Completed by the Student
Reminder: this program has the following admission requirements
o Cumulative GPA of 3.0
o 95% attendance during the freshman and sophomore year (maximum of 18 days)
o Completion of 2 courses of English, Math, Social Studies and Science (one must be Biology with a “C” or better) and be eligible to graduate on time
o No suspensions with recommendation for expulsion
o Achieve established ACT WorkKeys test scores
*Please see your guidance counselor to determine if you meet these qualifications.
A valid social security number is required by the State Board of Cosmetology in order to take this program
Must reside in an affiliated school district